Friday, January 30, 2009


We rearranged our furniture in order to move the desk from Cassie's bedroom into the front room. Trevor had been doing his homework on our kitchen table (a little card table), and we were also trying to eat meals, pile mail, and store our laptops there. It was getting a little crowded and our desk was going unused in Cassie's room. I wish I had taken "before" pictures so those of you who haven't been here could see the difference. It's not necessarily better now, but it's so refreshing to have a little change.

Here's a progressive panoramic view:

Check out Cassie playing in her little corner. I put all of her toys on the bottom shelf, and she likes to sit there and pull all the toys off of it.

You may notice that we have a brand-spankin'-new, BIG flat-screen TV. That was our Christmas gift to ourselves. :)

See that floral arrangement on the piano? I'm so proud of it! It turned out exactly how I imagined it.

The red throw pillows were a Christmas gift from my brother and sister-in-law. They make the couch so much more colorful.

You'll notice that the kitchen table only has one item on it. I intend to keep it that way (except during meals).

Overall, if I were a design expert, I'd probably say that the room is a little too "busy," that there's too much stuff crammed into one place. But I've decided that when you're living in a little two bedroom apartment, practicality trumps aesthetics.


Kristy said...

Yep, it's awesome! Good work.

Melanie said...

Your apartment looks great!! It looks so cozy and inviting. I am very impressed!

Marinda said...

Great! I love a well organized house! (wish mine were!) It is fun to have a peak inside!

Janell R. Cropper said...

I think it looks great! :) We moved our computer desk to our front room from Steven's room too. It makes homework SO much easier!

K-Krew said...

I love rearranging furniture. It doesn't always turn out better but it does give your place a fresh new look. Hope the new arrangement works out :) The throw pillows definitely add color and nice job on the flower arrangement.

Kimbooly said...

Wow, I wish my house were so organized. It looks great. I'm in the middle of moving some things around as well. It does feel refreshing.

Camille said...

It looks great! I always try to make mine LOOK nicer - like I imagine a house should. But like you said, when you're in a small space it's all about the practicality.

Marie said...

Looks good! Good job on the floral arrangement too :)

Jake F. said...
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Jake F. said...

I'm offended that you guys waited till we left Wymount to buy a flat screen TV. Deeply, deeply offended.
