Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cassie update

Sometimes you've just got to reserve an entire post for your favorite little one, you know what I mean? Highlights from the past few months:
  • Saying "up!" Her first 'command' word.
  • Squealing when she sees any animal and quacking at ducks
  • Running away in stores or outside- no fear
  • Finding her belly button (and searching up her shorts when she can't remember where she found it last)
  • Understanding most of what we say (walking to her changing table when we announce a diaper change, walking to the fridge when we mention milk, etc.)
  • Loving Elmo. What is it about him? She'll even drink plain water from her Elmo cup.
  • Hating having her teeth brushed. Any suggestions here?
Just making a mess- it's what she does best.

Time sure flies. She's already driving.

She loves being outside, even if it's only on our balcony.

Cassie's birthday gift from Aunt Becky was a container of these amazing bubbles that don't pop easily. Here's a fun video of her with some neighbors.

Cassie pulled this drawer out, removed the contents, and climbed inside. As you can see, she was very pleased with herself.

Wearing some authentic Chinese garb: made in China and bought in China.

Who knew a 13-month-old could make us so happy?


Sitton said...

I just don't know what is up with Elmos...Summer is in love with him too. Cassie is growing up so fast!

Alicia said...

She's so cute! It sounds like she's already changed so much in the last month and a half. That's so funny about her belly button :).

K-Krew said...

Lucy and Andrew loved watching Cassie with her bubbles. Those bubbles really are amazing! I still can't believe that she is walking already.

BTW Andrew is also a BIG fan of Elmo.

Platte and Heather said...

Emily, Cassie is so adorable! It's so crazy how fast they grow up! It's looks like she is such a happy baby!!

Nana (Lonna)and Grandpa (Max) said...

I can't believe how tall she is! But then I can't believe how old my first baby is. (But she's still not very tall.) I'm so glad you are enjoying her in every moment, because those moments pass by much too quickly

Laura said...

Cute little girl :) I guess it isn't a surprise that she loves Elmo (cue junior high memories). It is fun to see her grow up so close in age to Annie. We really need to get together so they can play.
Looks like Trevor got to see some awesome sights in China. Glad you were taken care of while he was gone, too.
