- More people! This college town will be bustling again soon. There's a palpable energy that arrives every fall.
- Cool weather! And mostly, the yellows and oranges and reds that come with it.
- The beginning of Trevor's last year of school. *sigh of relief*
- A less crowded library! Right now we're year-round library people. But when we have kids in public school, we'll probably end up being summer library people like everyone else. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people at the library the week after school let out this summer. And shocked at how few books were left on the shelves. And how l o n g the waiting lists became.
- Good TV! Reruns get old. Mostly, I've missed The Office.
- Events! I'm really excited for choir concerts, football games, musicals, art exhibits, intramural sports, comedy shows, dances, and all the other activities that are available during the school year.
- More people. At the grocery store, at restaurants, at Walmart and Blockbuster and Target and the mall, walking and biking and driving. More lines and crowds and traffic.
- Cool weather. We'll be spending more time inside and less time playing ultimate frisbee and taking walks to campus and chatting with neighbors while the kids play. I'm truly worried about keeping wild little Cassie cooped up in our apartment on cold winter days.
- Seeing less of Trevor. I've loved having Trevor home every day after work this summer. With all the homework he has during the school year, it never feels like he's really home when he's home.
It's crazy how much school affects me when I'm not even a student. Or a teacher. Here's hoping I'll discover even more pros this fall!