Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Going without

Three weeks ago I started feeling sick about watching television. I didn't like how I flipped it on when I was bored, or how I intended to watch one show and ended up watching three, and I especially didn't like how desensitized I was to the muck I saw. Certain shows that used to make me wince no longer even phased me. I felt really disgusted with myself for letting my standards slip. I started brainstorming ways to change my TV habits.

My sister-in-law, Sarah inspired me with her goal to go media-free for 21 days. Trevor and I decided to go without TV and movies for that amount of time. And we decided it was time to change our TV-watching habits, so when we start watching again, we don't slip back into the same routines. We made a list of shows that we're allowed to watch. We can add to the list, but we can't just turn on the TV to "see if anything's on." I guess we're active viewers now: when we turn on the TV, we'll know what we're going to watch, and we'll watch only that. We also decided on a three-strikes-and-you're-out rule: three offensive moments and we turn off the show; three offensive episodes and it's off the list.

I thought my reward for going without TV for three weeks would be loads of free time. I imagined getting big projects done, reading two books a week, writing in my journal every day, making dinner each night, and still having time to spend with Cassie and Trevor. Not so. I've had a little extra time, but I've still been busy every day and I'm not getting a lot of extra things done. (I guess that's a good sign- maybe I wasn't watching as much TV as I thought.)

What I have noticed, though? I don't miss it. My life is full and happy without television. ( I did miss the occasional weekend movie with Trev...) And I'm ready to change the way I watch TV now that I've realized how little it enriches my life.


Kristy said...

Nice! Those are great ideas!

Marie said...

Interesting idea! We are hardly ever home so all we ever do is watch movies, but I totally understand the 3 strikes you're out rule. It's nice to have a pre-determined limit.

Linda said...

Great ideas! Mike and I have noticed how much more smoothly life runs without TV, but everytime we give it up we slowly start watching way too much again. I recently decided to take a month off TV, and I think when I start watching it again I will adopt rules like yours.

Alicia said...

Yay! I'm proud of you. Way to become a delibrate TV watcher :).

Thom said...

It is nice to hear that Sarah could be an inspiration to you :) Seriously though, life is just quieter when you turn off the tube.

Andrea McEntire said...

Good idea. We may have to try some of those ourselves.
