Monday, November 4, 2013


I got a nice burst of energy at the beginning of my third trimester...and the nesting began!  It's funny how motivating pregnancy can be.  I got some things done that I've been putting off for over a year!

First, I decorated the half bath on the main floor.  All ideas were stolen from Pinterest. :) Also, all the picture frames were free- I got them from neighbors who were getting rid of their old picture frames, then painted them to match the color scheme I wanted.  The black and white pattern in the white frame is fabric (left over from making pillow covers) stretched over the glass.  I already had the black-framed mirrors (Target), and I bought the "wash" sign at Hobby Lobby.

I have been wanting to tell our family "story" in pictures going up our staircase, so I bought a few more picture frames, painted the used frames, printed a bunch of photos, and enlisted Trevor's help to hang everything.
In the process:

The final product: (notice a cute little someone reading on the stairs?)

I also finally took a bag of clothes to DI (thrift store), cleaned the oven, and did lots of basic cleaning.  Trevor has also been hard at work on the basement, finishing a storage room and making a little play house under the stairs for the kids.  We just need to clean everything up, then we'll move our futon and all the kids toys to the basement (the basement is still mostly unfinished, but we're going to lay down some carpet and make it work as a playroom).  When baby #3 is ready to move out of the bassinet in our bedroom, we're hoping to have the playroom moved to the basement so all three kids have their own bedroom upstairs.


Marie said...

Everything looks really good! That extra burst of energy hasn't really hit me yet so we'll see how the next few weeks go...

Justin and Carissa said...

Yeah for nesting! I am hoping I get a good strong dose of it after all my lack of motivation and energy during this first trimester. Love all the pictures on the stairs!
