Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanks: day 4

Today I'm grateful for my current calling. I serve as the Primary president in our ward.* Probably the best part of working with children is that I laugh a lot. They do and say the funniest things. For instance, since when is it normal to take your shoes off during a church meeting? But at least one child exposes his stocking feet every week. And I love their automated responses, especially when they have nothing to do with the question: "the Gospel!" "Jesus!" "Saying my prayers!" "Be nice to my sister!" They focus on getting the right answer by trying to guess what the teacher wants to hear instead of thinking about the question. For instance, a few weeks ago I asked if they should be nice to ALL of God's children. They glanced around nervously at each other, then one child blurted, "no!" and several other children followed suit. What cute kids. Sometimes they like to say prayers without help. Here is a typical example:
"Dear Heavenly Father, Thank thee that we could come to church today. Thank thee that we could...come to church today. Please bless that we can have a good day and that we can...have a...nice day..." You get the idea. It's hard not to laugh out loud.
Being Primary president has been a lot of work, but I'm surely going to miss it!

*For more about wards, Primary, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, click here.


Unknown said...

I am enjoying your thanksgiving posts. thanks

Suze B. Vinton said...

Thanks for you thankginving post. Everytime, I read it, it always remind of what I am thankful for.

Marie said...

I'm glad you're doing several posts. It's always fun to see what people think of. I was in sunbeams one of my summers home and it was classic. It's a good thing you've got some of those memories written down :)

Andrea McEntire said...

Try working in the ghetto with kids. Now THAT will keep you laughing. For example, "Mrs. McEntire, I gotta use it." or "Mrs. McEntire, can I get ma coluhs(colors)?" Oh the the things kids say. I'm sure Cassie will be a riot. Oh, and we just set up a new blog. It is:

Joanna said...

You do a great job as Primary President. You've been in that calling for over a year now, right?

Dianna said...

I can't think of anyone more suited for being Primary president than you Emily! What a lucky ward to have you.
